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Acupuncture is aimed at treating the movement of energy around the body and because this energy has an influence on all organs and systems, it is widely believed that treatment can be beneficial for a wide range of conditions and symptoms. These vary from ailments that are diagnosed to more general feelings of low energy or poor health.

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Traditional Chinese Medicine has been practised for over 2000 years with the philosophy that our health is dependent on the body’s energy moving in a smooth and balanced way through a series of channels beneath the skin. This energy is known as qi (chee) and ill health occurs when it becomes depleted, disturbed or blocked. The flow of qi can be disrupted by a range of factors including emotional states such as anxiety, worry, anger, or grief, as well as poor nutrition, hereditary factors, infections, and trauma.


Acupuncture is now widely accepted and used around the world both as a stand alone therapy as well as alongside conventional western medicine.  As more scientific research is being conducted its popularity continues to grow and more people are turning to acupuncture to support their health needs. 


People often choose to have acupuncture as a way of improving their general health and wellbeing or because they feel unwell and they have not been provided with a conventional western diagnosis.


The benefits of acupuncture vary from person to person. Traditional acupuncture treatment is aimed at treating the root of the condition as well as the symptoms.  As such, it is tailored to treat the individual as a whole person with results being widespread. Often unrelated health issues can be resolved and your general sense of health and well-being may be enhanced. Frequent comments after treatment include ‘I’m feeling better in myself’, which includes patients having increased energy, a greater enjoyment of life, increased confidence, sounder sleep and a better appetite.


During your first treatment a comprehensive medical history will be taken along with your current symptoms, sleep pattern, diet, and lifestyle. The pulse on both wrists will be recorded and your tongue observed. Whilst some questions may not seem relevant, all of the information gathered will form the basis of a diagnosis in order to create an individual treatment plan. As such, the acupuncture points chosen will be tailored to your needs, and may be different than those chosen for a friend with the same condition.


After treatment most people feel calm and relaxed. Acupuncture has very few side effects and those that occur are usually mild. Tiredness, a mild headache, feeling light headed, skin reactions (rare), or aggravation of a condition (generally short-lived) are all signs that the body is responding to treatment and are considered to be a positive result. However, if you are at all concerned with how you feel please contact Sharon.

How many sessions will I need?

This is dependent on your individual condition and in chronic conditions more treatment is often necessary. Some people notice an improvement in the way they feel after one or two treatments and most within five or six. However, feedback will be taken from you after each treatment and reviewed in detail after six treatments.

How much does it cost?

First Treatment (please allow 90 minutes): £85 Mickleover, Hilton £80

During this appointment, a comprehensive medical and health history will be taken and you will receive your first treatment


Subsequent Treatments (45 minutes): £55 Mickleover, £50 Hilton


Acupuncture with Low Level Light Therapy - your usual acupuncture price plus £10

I have been having acupuncture with Sharon for 5 and a half years after she was recommended to me by my physiotherapist for management of pain. I have a long term chronic pain condition that affects me both physically and emotionally and I was literally at my wits end when I first met Sharon. 

I had tried many conventional therapies and had seen many consultants and had in fact had 12 sessions of acupuncture on the NHS to try and get some relief but to no avail. Sharon has helped me enormously in managing my changing condition which at times been debilitating. I have found that acupuncture has helped to reduce my pain and also helped me to become pain free for long periods of time. 

At times I have had to contact Sharon to change my appointment or to ask a question and she always gets back to me and resolves my issue. Sometimes when my pain has been so debilitating, she has done everything she can to see me on the same day. 

In lockdown when I wasn’t able to see her face to face, she provided me with acupressure points that I could do myself and provided support whenever I needed it. I have always found Sharon to be professional, caring, friendly and compassionate and she always makes me feel at ease working extremely hard to try and help me find relief. 

Sharon has been my absolute rock and I can’t thank her enough and of course I would highly recommend her to anyone who has health conditions where acupuncture may help.

Y Staffs


Make an Appointment


If you would like to discuss your individual needs in more detail,
a free 30 minute consultation can be arranged.


07941 567053

Mickleover & Hilton, Derbyshire, England

©2023 Sharon Waltho Acupuncture

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